Saturday, October 17, 2009

The cutest old man ever

I am in a coffee shop...well acutally to be specific i am in a Bruegger's bagel shop but thats niether here nor there. I have had a productive morning :) yay. anyways, the point of my post.....I have been sitting across the room from quite possibly the cutest old man i have seen in quite a while. He is sitting, with his brugger's coffee cup and bagel. and has been studiously engrossed in his laptop all morning. His table is littered with books and folders, and quite possibly the sweetest pencil case that i have seen. He makes me incredibly happy. I have no idea what he is working on...he could be simply answering his grand kids emails for all i know but i get the distinct impression that he is someone who matters. (oh my gosh, he is now mouthing words to himself, so adorable) He has lived, he has learned, and he is still learning, still living, still being important, still doing what i presume he loves (although he is more then likely at least early 70s, either that or he did not age well ). I think so many people give up what they love when they age, they stop living thier life and let thier life pass. He makes me hope, he makes me productive because like him, i want to be important, i want to do something i love. I want to be good at what i do, and the only way to do that is to learn and aspire to be better. if 50 years from now i am still getting up, packing up my laptop, and traveling to the local coffee shop for a little creative time to read, write, ect. my life will be good. i will be happy.

Older people have been amazing me right and left lately. On thursday, i met the cutest 90 year old women i have ever met. She was a librarian of course ;) it is a must to be awesome in general. but she wore these old style hats (like ladies did in the 20s, with the built in vails or wide brims). she came into IWA because she is writing a 90! She doesnt even have full use of her hands anymore, she had to capture her notes using a digital recorder (which she didnt entirely trust to work) She came in and spent hours talking about one of her friends, who we have the personal papers. I couldnt help but think good, lord, i hope i am traveling around, hanging out at college libraries, doing research and talking about my best friends at 90....shit i hope i can remember who my best friends are at 90 (lets face it this in itself with be a feat with my family history of loosing your mind at 70)...

so yes...its been a good week for old people. :)

1 comment:

  1. Prick, you'd best remember me when you're ninety. We'll have been besties for 76 years. You'll probably end up calling me Pete or something. Damn it all.
