Saturday, October 31, 2009

its noisy in Bruggers Bagels today:( stupid game day. yes thats right, stupid game day, i said it, let the one with more work then i have cast the first stone.
So today, the cute old man and i have been joined by a set of couples that keep debating economics...their conversation is mildly interesting, if nothing else i think the one guy is strait up republican (the type of republican that thinks he knows everything and calls liberals commies.) so that is kind of entertaining, if he only knew that a uber libreral librarian was eves dropping and giggling at his expense he pry would not enjoy it near as much as i am. A pair of asian women have taken post bewteen the old mans table and mine. thier table is the noisy one, but i am amazed at home fast their language requires them to talk. I talk fast in english, but not even i could keep pace with them, i dont think. They were very nice tho, (helped me with the creamer container when i couldnt get it open) so i cant get too annoyed at thier noisiness, they both also smiled at me which sometimes is all i need to make my day better (a smile from a stranger) so that is the situation at bruggers :)
I will be completing the tutorial for an IRB today and complete my reading for my Organization Management. I hope to finish up a presentation for org man as well but that might just be hopeful optimism. I am presenting on librarian fear. there was a situations a few years ago at john hopkins where a women died due to shoddy research. This is an article that i would like to carry around for when people ask me why i had to go to grad school for library science. I am trained to do research....normal people miss stuff, librarians miss stuff too, but most have an affection for print, we arnt daunted by doing a paper search. apparently the researcher and the ethics board did not feel the need to check print sources, and did not see the need to contact a librarian. not everything is digitized....i repeat not everything is digitized. not even close, pub-med only goes to 1966 and that is unusual for most on-line content to go back that far. Libaraians know this, use them. yep that is my tangent for the day. even if you are an advanced degree holding individual, unless you have done two years of research theory, go to a librarian. there is a chance we wont find anything other then what you have found, but then there is a chance we will find much more and that it will actually be useful and hey may even save a life if you are testing chemicals or trying a new type of therapy.... that researcher really kills me.

ahhh well, i better continue on my on-line tutorials for my IRB. I will write about my leigh hunt questionaire soon :)

ps yay, i am hoping to see steph this weekend:) also the SLIS halloween party was a pretty good time :) any party that has that much food is great in my book

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